
In Strontian Primary School and Nursery we use Classdojo as one of the ways we communicate with parents and families. This encourages positive skills, like perseverance and teamwork. We’ll also use it to communicate with one another: instantly sharing messages, updates, events, and photos from class. It’s simple, secure, and gives you a window into the school day! We’d like all families to join by signing up for a parent account on ClassDojo! You can use it on any device: it’s a simple, free mobile app for iOS and Android, and can also be accessed from your computer at Please contact the school via the contact form if you have any questions.
With a parent account, you can…
❏ Like and/or comment and leave positive feedback on photos, videos, Events, and files shared on Class Story
❏ Translate any message or Class Story caption into your preferred language as needed
❏ Receive instant notifications for school news, messages, and reminders for Events
Please click the button below to go to the website for more information.