Digital Profiles
All pupils have their own Digital Profile from Nursery to P7.
Digital Profiles include the following…
Who am I in my learning?
* All about me - including personal information about the learner’s interests
* Skills for learning, life and work - including a learner’s strengths and developments in skills across learning
* Personal achievement - recognising the skills development and making the links between opportunities within and
outwith the school curriculum (wider achievement)
* Learner’s Statement - learners producing a summative reflection of their learning over a period of time
Where am I in my learning?
* Target setting with learners - reflecting on…
What do I want learners to know?
What do I want learners to be able to do?
How will learners know they’ve got there?
How will learners get there?
* Evaluating learning
* High quality feedback - including identified next steps
* Evidence of achievement - including ‘key assessment tasks’ and pupil ownership
Where do I want to get to?
* Aspirations - a learner’s long term goals and the progress they are making to
achieve these targets within and outwith the school curriculum