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Pupil Council

The Pupil Council gives pupils a say in the way our school is run and enables them to make changes for the better in our school.


We hope that by being part of our Pupil Council children will…

  • develop problem solving, communication, leadership and enterprise skills.

  • become more interested and involved in what’s happening in the school.

  • feel safe, included, trusted, important, proud, helpful, responsible and respected.


Pupil Council are involved in school life in a variety of ways including self evaluation, involved in discussions and decision making where appropriate, motivating and feeding back to the whole school, meeting and planning e.g. assemblies, events, Christmas cards for the wider community, fundraising,  discussing and planning residentials etc.

An important role of our Pupil Council is self evaluation.  We are using the documents ‘How Good is OUR School? (Part 1 and 2)’. Please click the links below to read the complete documents…


How Good is OUR School? Part 1

How Good is OUR School? Part 2


This framework has been developed by Education Scotland for children and young people because it is important that they have a say in how well our school is doing and how it can be improved. We know that children and young people can help to improve their schools when they have a say and it is important that they are involved in this in our school. Self-evaluation is how schools decide what is going well and what could be better. It helps schools to identify the actions they need to take to keep improving. Here in Strontian Primary School our children’s contribution to this is very important.


  The 5 themes are -  

  • Our Relationships

  • Our Learning and Teaching

  • Our School and Community

  • Our Health and Wellbeing

  • Our Successes and Achievements 

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