Literacy is the set of skills which allow us to participate fully in society and in learning. Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning as it unlocks access to the wider curriculum. Being literate increases opportunities for the individual in all aspects of life, lays the foundations for lifelong learning and work, and contributes strongly to the development of all four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.

The CfE Literacy and English framework promotes the development of critical and creative thinking as well as competence in listening and talking, reading, writing and the personal, interpersonal and team-working skills which are so important in life and in the world of work. The CfE provides broad descriptions of the range of learning opportunities which will contribute to the development of literacy, including critical literacy, creativity, and knowledge and appreciation of literature and culture.
The CfE Literacy and English framework promotes the development of critical and creative thinking as well as competence in listening and talking, reading, writing and the personal, interpersonal and team-working skills which are so important in life and in the world of work. The CfE provides broad descriptions of the range of learning opportunities which will contribute to the development of literacy, including critical literacy, creativity, and knowledge and appreciation of literature and culture.
Pupils learn to talk, listen, read and write in collaborative groups with an emphasis on active and cooperative learning. Strands of learning include phonics and decoding, spelling and handwriting, grammar and punctuation, creating and presenting.

We subscribe to First News including the ihub.
Click here for more information.

The reading scheme we use is Phonicbooks
Click here for more information.

Weekly library sessions in the Sunart Centre next door. Click @Ardnamurchan Community Library

We are the first school in Highland to become a Reading School Gold.

We use a whole school system for SPaG.
Click here for more information.